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Showing posts from December, 2020


  Some mistakes are common when writing sentences in English. Each of these 10 common sentence mistakes provides correction information as well as links to more detailed information.  Incomplete Sentence or Sentence Fragment One  common mistake  many students make is the use of  incomplete sentences . Each sentence in English must contain at least a subject and a verb, and should be an independent clause. Examples of incomplete sentences without a subject or a verb might include an instruction or a  prepositional phrase . For example Through the door. In the other room. Over there. These are phrases we may use in spoken English. These phrases shouldn't be used in written English as they are incomplete.  Sentence fragments caused by dependent clauses used without an  independent clause  are more common. Remember that  subordinating conjunctions  introduce  dependent clauses . In other words, if you use a subordinating clause beg...


Pic. ( Hakielimu) Hello.! learners, Today we will look at the Important classroom phrase for English teachers, I think it will be helpful for all student/teachers, especially who take English study for teaching, Welcome here we go. Acknowledge thank yo u. GREETING / WELCOMING PHRASE Hello, everyone. Good morning, everybody. Good afternoon , class. Hello there, Tom. Good afternoon, everybody. How are you  today? How are you getting on? How’s life? How are things with you? Are you feeling better today, David? What a lovely day! What a rainy day! Today is very cold, isn’t it? ntroductions My name is Mr/Mrs/Ms Smith. I’ll be teaching you English this year. I’m your new English teacher. I’ve got five lessons with you each week  Time to begin Let’s begin today’s lesson. Let’s begin our lesson now. I hope you are all ready for your English lesson. I think we can start now. Is everybody ready to start? Now we can get down to work. It’s time to begin, please stop talking. I’m waiting ...